So you’ve heard about Pinterest. You know that it’s a social media phenomenon. But when you took a peek at the website, you were bombarded with a bunch of ho-hum images of caprese salad appetizers, wedding dresses and “supposedly inspirational” quotes. You yawned and thought to yourself, “I am not getting married, quotes don’t inspire me and I hate to cook. This website is not for me.”
Baby Steps from XHTML to HTML5
It is the perfect time to embrace HTML5.
If you are a Web Designer, then you know that HTML is the language used to create web pages. XHTML came along next. XHTML is a cleaner, more strict version of HTML. But when you write an XHTML document, you have to pay close attention to follow the rules correctly.
Understanding Hyperlinks: An HTML Tutorial for Beginners
Right this moment, you are on the World Wide Web. You are using a web browser to see this web page and probably clicked on a HYPERLINK (website link) to get here. You may have come from just down the street or all the way across the world. That is what is so great about the World Wide Web. We can visit faraway places in an instant with the click of a mouse.