Beginner Web Design Tutorials
HTML Tutorials CSS Tutorials PHP Tutorials SEO Tutorials
Web Design Resources:
HTML Tutorials
What is HTML? HTML is the code used to build web pages. It includes a series of tags that tell the web browsers how to structure the content on your web page. It is basically a series of simple commands and it is easy to learn. HTML is written with TEXT.
Smooth Strides from HTML to HTML5
This beginner HTML5 tutorial will help you make smooth strides towards a basic understanding of HTML and HTML5. You'll become familiar with these three related terms: Elements, Tags and Attributes.
Understanding Web Browsers: From HTML to Web Pages
HTML documents are the building blocks of a website. They include HTML tags as part of the "RAW" technical code. But these files cannot become the elegant web pages that you see online… without the help of a web browser.
Understanding Hyperlinks: An HTML Tutorial for Beginners
This tutorial is mostly about hyperlinks. They are the clickable links that take you from one web page to another. They are an integral part of the World Wide Web.
Baby Steps from XHTML to HTML5
If you are a web designer, then you know that HTML is the language used to create web pages. XHTML came along next, followed by HTML5. Here are some helpful tips to learn the basics of HTML5.
How Websites Work: Tutorial for Small Business Owners
It's hard to understand web design when you're not computer savvy. This mini-tutorial is aimed at the small business owner looking for a jump-start guide that explains the basics of "How Websites Work."
How to Make a Burger in HTML — A Beginner Tutorial
This is a fun tutorial where you will create an HTML burger with the help of HTML and CSS code. You will learn about HTML elements and CSS styles along the way.
How Technology is Shaking up the Future of Web Design
Interested in web design? Let’s take a glimpse at this fast-changing profession and see what’s “shaking up” its future. Most days start out simple for web designers. But there are forces dragging us down and pushing us forward all at once. New technologies can threaten our very existence.
Creating a Simple HTML5 Web Page
This YouTube video was created by Webucator, a provider of customized web design training. It was inspired by the "Smooth Strides from CSS to CSS3" tutorial listed below.
CSS Tutorials
What are Cascading Style Sheets? Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are a set of rules used to style the look of web pages. You can use it to tell the web browsers what colors, fonts, and layouts you want to use. CSS can be embedded into an HTML web page or placed in an external file called a style sheet that will control individual pages on your web site.
A Beginner's Guide to HTML & CSS
A Beginner's Guide to HTML & CSS is a simple and comprehensive guide dedicated to helping beginners learn HTML and CSS.
Smooth Strides from CSS to CSS3
In this beginner CSS tutorial, we'll start slow with simple explanations of HTML and CSS, then we'll push forward into CSS3, the latest version of CSS, and explain a few things about HTML5's wonderful sidekick.
Building Your First Web Page
Before learning HTML and CSS, it's important to understand the differences between the two languages, their syntax and some common terminology. This tutorial will help you get started.
WordPress under the Hood: Beginner HTML & CSS
Do you need to know HTML and CSS to use WordPress? No. But the more you know, the better off you'll be at managing your WordPress website. We won't dig too deep, just enough to get a little dirty.
CSS Beginner Tutorial
This is a beginner's tutorial about Cascading Style Sheets and how to use them in Web Design. The purpose of this CSS guide is to teach the bare essentials - just enough to get started.
3 Simple Steps Towards Mobile Friendly Web Design
How do we make our websites mobile friendly? Responsive Web Design is the most popular approach to creating mobile friendly websites. Responsive Design is a way to develop websites where CSS is used to change the way a page renders on different display sizes. Implementing a basic responsive design in your new and existing websites isn't as difficult as it sounds.
CSS3 Media Queries for Beginners
With CSS3 media queries, we can write CSS that delivers an optimal web experience for visitors viewing our websites at different screen sizes.
Subtle Animations with CSS & JavaScript: Beginner Tutorial
Are you curious about adding subtle animations to your website? Not sure if you know enough about CSS and JavaScript to pull it off? Then this beginner web design tutorial is for you. We'll compare CSS animations to JavaScript animations and review CSS rules and HTML elements inPart I and then go into detail about creating animations in Part II (DEMOS included).
PHP Tutorials
What is PHP? PHP is a scripting language that can be embedded into HTML. It can be used on a website to process html forms, send mail from a web page, manipulate images, manage databases, and much more. You can tell if PHP is included in a web page because the page name ends in .php instead of .html.
When someone visits a PHP web page, the web host processes the PHP code. It then translates the PHP into HTML, and sends the web page to the visitor's web browser.
HTML, CSS, PHP and SEO Jump-Start Guide
This simple tutorial utilizes a red velvet cupcake and a dash of humor to explain these common web design terms: HTML, CSS, PHP and SEO. It is aimed at web design beginners, small business owners and everyday internet surfers.
WordPress under the Hood: Beginner PHP & JavaScript
You don't need to know how to code proficiently in PHP to utilize PHP in WordPress. But, understanding basic PHP syntax will help you become familiar with the WordPress Loop, understand WordPress Functions, and give you the skills to add code snippets to your site.
PHP 5 Tutorial
At W3Schools you will find PHP tutorials, references of PHP functions and a PHP 5 Quiz Test. You'll also have fun with their "Show PHP" tool which shows both the PHP source code and the HTML output of the code.
Learn PHP: Take this step-by-step approach
Want to learn PHP? Try this simple program. By spending just a few minutes every week, before you know it you'll know all the basics of this language. Each lesson is short, and can be read and mastered very quickly.
SEO Tutorials
What is Search Engine Optimization? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of making a site search engine friendly. There is no magic thing you can do to get top placement at a search engine. But you can do a bunch of small things that will add together to improve your placement. Start with unique title tags and meta descriptions on every page.

What is a Search Engine Friendly Website?
Looking for simple ways to improve your website's search engine friendliness? Try these 4 simple SEO tips.
Beginner's Guide to SEO
The Beginner's Guide to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an in depth tutorial on how search engines work that covers the fundamental strategies that make websites search engine friendly.
SEO for Creative Businesses: 4 Easy Steps to get found on Google
When you use it correctly, SEO drives hordes of traffic to your website over time. In this beginner tutorial, you'll learn how to use SEO (in four easy steps).
Image Optimization and SEO: A Pixel Perfect Match
If you don’t optimize your images, your website can become sluggish and out-of-shape. The more bloated images you have, the slower your pages become. The search engines will visit your site and measure your page speed. Those bloated images will have a negative effect on your score. Here are 4 Basic Steps to getting an image in tip top shape for your website.
Image ALT Tags for SEO: What, Where, Why & How
HTML defines the structure and layout of a web page using tags and attributes. Web designers use a lot of elements with tags and attributes to make up one page. Adding ALT tags to website images improves accessibility and user experience. It also provides greater relevance to search engines about your website content which will help drive traffic to your site.
SEO Tutorial – Step-By-Step Search Engine Optimization Guide
This SEO tutorial for beginners covers the essential fundamentals of Search Engine Optimization. It is divided into three sections:
Introduction to Search Marketing, Internal SEO and External SEO.
Also see Website Analysis Tools.